Lit Circles week 4

Photo on 28-05-14 at 5.16 PM

Halley and Scarlet at the hospital.

This week for lit circles we finished reading the book Some One Like You. I really enjoyed the book Some One Like You. The book was really easy to relate and a lot of the problems that happened in the book do happen in high schools everywhere. Even though I couldn’t relate to the book I still really enjoyed the book. I really liked they way the book ended how Scarlet ended up having a healthy baby and named the middle name of the baby after Halley. I would of liked to of found out if Halley and Macon got back together because the way the book ended we don’t find out if they do. I enjoyed Sarah Dessen’s book and I am thinking of maybe reading another one of her books. This week I was the illustrator and I drew a picture of when Halley was in hospital and Scarlet came and visited her.

Lit Circles week 3

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My Discussion Director questions

This week in Li Circles we read up to Chapter 16. I am really enjoying the book and don’t won’t to put it down. This week the chapter finished at a really big part of the book and all I wanted to do was keep reading but I couldn’t. All though I can’t really relate my self to the book it is still really good and I could really picture my self in either of the characters shows. Next week I can’t wait to finish reading the book and finding out what happens to Macon and Halley after the crash and how the book finishes. This week for my roll was Discussion Director. Discussion Director was a good roll and I am looking forward to hearing about my groups thoughts on what happened in the book this week.

Lit Circles week 2

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My work for week 2

This week for  Lit Circles we read up to chapter 9 in Some One Like You. I am really enjoying the book Some One Like you and enjoying the story line of the book. I am enjoying reading the book much more then I thought I would. I enjoy all the characters in the book especially Halley. When I found out that Scarlet was pregnant  it happened differently then I thought it would of and I thought Halley’s Mum would of acted differently. I predict that what happens next in the book will have something to do Macon and something bad happening. This week I was investigator and I investigated about the book and what inspired Sarah to write the book.

Lit Circles Week 1

During the week I started reading Some One Like You. The first couple of pages I wasn’t enjoying the book and didn’t think I was going to like the book but then I started getting into the book and now I am really enjoying the book. I am really liking the book and all the different characters in the book. I am enjoying the story line of the book and excited to keep reading the book and finding out whats going to happen to everyone. This week I was Summariser. Summariser was a good  job to have and pretty easy.                                                                                                                                                          Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 10.37.03 AM

Lit Circles Introduction

For lit Circles I am reading the book  Some One Like You. I am in a group with Tess, Lucy, Georgie, Alana and me. Some One Like You wasn’t my first pick to read and I was thinking I wasn’t going to enjoy the book but after having a look at the Blog and reading the blurb I am thinking that I will enjoy the book now.